
Medicine is my life and mission. I wanted to be a doctor who would treat individuals and a doctor who would treat populations (epidemiologist) – a doctor who would practice in a local area (Memphis) and a doctor that would influence changes across the nation and over the continents.  My specialty is infectious diseases. I consult in the field of quality improvement. Recently, in collaboration with physicians in India we are publishing a book on Management of Infectious Diseases.

Infectious Diseases practice at Baptist ( and Methodist Hospital in Memphis (

Annals of Internal Medicine ON BEING A DOCTOR : Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle Rejuvenates a Marriage

Roadmap for Quality Improvement - A guide for doctors

Quality Improvement Quality improvement is a journey not a destination; it is a process not an outcome.Read More

The ABC’s of PQRI (Physician Quality Reporting Initiative) PQRI is the first Medicare program which will directly influence physicians towards value based purchasing (VBP).

Infectious Diseases in India During my fellowship training in infectious diseases I spent 2 years researching the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in India. Dr. T. Jacob John, Dr. Gerald Keursch and I published the first comprehensive paper on the Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in India in 1995.

Book- Management of Infectious Diseases In collaboration with Dr. Dilip Mathai, head of medicine unit 1 at Christian Medical College Vellore, I have authored a “cookbook” on how to manage infections in the Indian setting. Book has been released by Jaypee Brother, New Delhi.